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     The WinTTT5 unit includes the following procedures and functions:

     MkWin                    creates a window
     GrowMkWin                creates a window that grows on the screen
     RmWin                    removes the last created window
Screen Saves
     SaveScreen               saves the current screen
     RestoreScreen            restores a saved screen
     SlideRestoreScreen       restores a saved screen with slide effects
     PartRestoreScreen        restores part of a saved screen
     PartSlideRestoreScreen   restores part of a saved screen with slide
     DisposeScreen            releases memory used by a saved screen
Virtual Screens
     CreateScreen             creates a virtual screen
     Activate_Virtual_Screen  redirects screen activity to a virtual screen
     Activate_Visible_Screen  redirects screen activity to the visible
Condensed Text Display
     SetCondensedLines        sets visible screen to 43/50 lines on EGA/VGA
     Set25Lines               sets visible screen to 25 lines
Screen Reading
     GetScreenChar            returns a character from screen
     GetScreenAttr            returns color attribute from screen
     GetScreenStr             returns a string from screen
Temporary Messages
     TempMessage              displays a single line message
     TempMessageCh            displays a  message and returns pressed character
     TempMessageBox           displays a single line message in a box
     TempMessageBoxCh         displays in box and returns character
Cursor Control
     OnCursor                 sets cursor to underscore
     OffCursor                hides cursor
     FullCursor               sets cursor to a full block
     HalfCursor               sets cursor to a half block
     SizeCursor               set cursor to user defined size
     FindCursor               returns cursor location and size
     PosCursor                moves cursor
Miscellaneous Procedures
     CopyScreenBlock          copy a region of screen to another location
     MoveScreenBlock          move a region of screen to another location
     Scroll                   scroll part of the screen in any direction
     FillScreen               fill a region of the screen with a character
     Reset_StartUp_Mode       restores screen mode and cursor to start up

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson